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The National Endoscopy Training Programme (NETP) offers training to improve the quality of endoscopy care for patients in Scotland, helping to provide the clinical capacity needed to address endoscopy and cancer waiting times.

The NETP aims to increase endoscopy capacity through the development of a highly skilled and sustainable endoscopy workforce, minimising repeat procedures and improving patient experience.

What do we do?

Immersion Training

What is Immersion Training?

This training provides a period of intensive Endoscopy practice for either Upper GI or Colonoscopy, and is supported by a national faculty trainer.

The training allows trainee Endoscopists to have one-to-one training in the Endoscopy Unit at the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital.

For Colonoscopy, 5 days of training with 8 procedures per day is planned and the trainee will usually then complete a second week after spending time back at their base, consolidating the skills learned.

For Upper Gastrointestinal (GI), the trainee is usually offered up to 4 days in 1 week, with one-to-one training within up to 16 procedures per day. If needed, a mixed week of both Upper GI and Colonoscopy can be accommodated to ensure the trainee gains the experience they require to support acceleration in becoming a JAG (Joint Advisory Group for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) accredited Endoscopist.  

Who do I contact?

To be considered for this training, please speak to your training programme director (or line manager if you are no longer in a training programme) and request for them to forward your details for consideration to:

Basic Endoscopy Skills Courses

What are Basic Endoscopy Skills Courses?

These courses (for Colonoscopy and Upper GI) are designed to introduce the trainee to best practice and theory in Endoscopy, at the start of their Endoscopy learning journey. 

The course is an essential requirement to becoming a JAG accredited endoscopist. Both Basic Colon Skills and Basic Upper GI skills courses are now available at The National Endoscopy Training Programme (NETP) centre at NHS Golden Jubilee, the West of Scotland Training Centre at Stobhill, East Lothian Community Hospital (ELCH) and the Surgical Skills Centre in Dundee.

All courses are advertised for booking on the JAGS Endoscopy Training System (JETS) website. 

Who do I contact?

To register and book onto this course, please visit the JETS website. For informal enquiries please contact: 

Train the Colonoscopy Trainer Course 

What is Train the Colonoscopy Trainer?

This 2-day course is a must for any independent Endoscopist involved in teaching and training in endoscopy and brings participants up to date with the latest teaching, training theory and practice.

It is essential that all applicants have completed a Colon Upskilling course within the last 5 years and are currently involved with training in endoscopy.

This first day is classroom based, with a mix of theory and group exercises, while day 2 provides an opportunity to practice the learning, receiving support and performance enhancing feedback from one of our national trainers. 

What is happening?

This training is currently taking place at the new NETP Training Centre within NHS Golden Jubilee and at the West of Scotland Training Centre within Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow.

Who do I contact?

This course can be booked via

For informal enquiries please contact: 

Upskilling for Colonoscopy

What is Upskilling for Colonoscopy?

This course is aimed at experienced Colonoscopists to update and critique their current skills and practice, while also learning about new developments and techniques.

What is happening?

These JAG accredited courses are currently available at the NETP Training Centre within NHS Golden Jubilee, the West of Scotland Training Centre at Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow and at the East Lothian Community Hospital.

The 2023 and 2024 national endoscopy Key Performance Indicator data shows significant improvement in both ceacal intubation rates and adenoma detection rates in Boards where a significant percentage of Endoscopists have participated in this course. Some Boards have now mandated that all Colonoscopists complete upskilling at least once every 5 years.

Who do I contact?

All courses are available to book at

For informal enquiries, please contact

Endoscopy Non-Technical Skills (ENTS) 

What is Endoscopy Non-Technical Skills Training?

This Endoscopy non-Technical Skills Training programme has been approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 5 category 1 (external) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits.

The training is suitable for all members of the endoscopy team, including certified Endoscopists, trainee Endoscopists, Endoscopy nurses, Healthcare Support workers and other allied health professionals (AHPs). 

Places are allocated to ensure the whole multidisciplinary team (MDT) is represented.

The 1-day training focuses on situational awareness, leadership, communication and teamwork through scenario-based simulation and is delivered by the National Endoscopy Training Programme in collaboration with the Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG). 

What is happening?

There is a nominal fee of £50 per learner to participate in this training. Travel and accommodation are also the responsibility of the learners’ host Board.

Dates for 2025:

  • Friday 7 March – Kirklands Hospital, Bothwell, Lanarkshire
  • Wednesday 14 May – NHS Golden Jubilee, Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire
  • Wednesday 17 September - Golden Jubilee, Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire
  • Tuesday 11 November – NHS Golden Jubilee, Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire

All dates are bookable via the JETS website

Who do I contact?

To register for any of these courses, contact

For further information, contact 

National Assistant Practitioner Programme

What is the National Assistant Practitioner Programme?

The National Assistant Practitioner Programme (Endoscopy) provides a standardised programme to support Healthcare Support Workers (HCSWs) in their career development from level 2 to level 4 through SVQ work based learning with a series of online study days, eLearning and face to face simulated practice.

What do programme block days cover?

  • Day 1 - NHS Scotland Academy Skills and Simulation Centre: Introduction to the Assistant Practitioner Programme and SVQ.
  • Day 2 -  MS Teams: Risk Management, Overview of Scottish patient safety programme, the Global rating scale (JAG), Consent and Principles of safe sedation.
  • Day 3 - NHS Scotland Academy Skills and Simulation Centre: Vital Signs and Airway Management.
  • Day 4 - MS Teams: Common Pathology, Bowel Prep, Specimen Collection, Indications for Endoscopy and alternatives, Complications, Communication, Trauma Informed Practice, Post Op.
  • Days 5 and 6- NHS Scotland Academy Skills and Simulation Centre: Scope Room Set Up, Trouble shooting, Position Change, Traceabillity, Specimen Labelling, Endoscopy Skills, Therapeutic Emergency Endoscopy including Haemostasis, Safe use of Diathermy, Endoscopic Non-technical Skills and simulated scenarios.
  • Day 7 - MS Teams: Infection Control, Principles of Decontamination, PPE, 6C's, Professional Issues and Consolidation.

Applications for our next cohort will be open soon.

To learn more, click the link below to watch the video:

Assistant Practitioner Programme Video

Who do I contact?

For more information contact:

National Assistant Practitioner (Endoscopy) Programme on Turas Learn.

Foundations of Endoscopy Practice 

The Foundations of Endoscopy Practice Programme provides an introduction to Endoscopy practice for Registered nurses. This inter-professional programme is delivered alongside our National Assistant Practitioner Programme. 

Learners will attend the following days with our Health Care Support Workers on the Assistant Practitioner Programme:

Programme dates:

  • Day 1 - MS Teams: Risk Management, Overview of Scottish patient safety programme, the Global rating scale (JAG), Consent and Principles of safe sedation.
  • Day 2 - MS Teams: Common Pathology, Bowel Prep, Specimen Collection, Indications for Endoscopy and alternatives, Complications, Communication, Trauma Informed Practice, Post Op Care and Discharge. 
  • Days 3 and 4 - NHS Scotland Academy Skills and Simulation Centre: Scope Room Set Up, Trouble shooting, Position Change, Traceabillity, Specimen Labelling, Endoscopy Skills, Therapeutic Emergency Endoscopy including Haemostasis, Safe use of Diathermy, Endoscopic Non-technical Skills and simulated scenarios.
  • Day 5 - MS Teams: Infection Control, Principles of Decontamination, PPE, 6C's, Professional Issues and Consolidation.

Who do I contact?

For more information contact:

Endoscopy Network Forum

This forum is a networking group for Senior Charge Nurses, Nurse Managers and others working in endoscopy to learn from and support each other.

  • The Network Forum will take place every 6 weeks. 
  • If you have not received an invite and would like to join, or if there is something you would like to share with the group, contact

Endoscopy Simulator Induction 

What is the Endoscopy Simulator Induction

NES has funded 6 endoscopy simulators situated across training regions. These provide endoscopy trainees, students, trainee nurse endoscopists and established endoscopists the opportunity to accelerate their early acquisition of endoscopy skills to allow an early transition to full patient procedures. 

Learners can practice insertion and withdrawal as well as tip control and other basic skills and pathology recognition in a simulation environment. 

Training time should be scheduled to allow supervised sessions during the working day until technical competence is reached to maximise the experience within clinical endoscopy sessions. 

A number of simulators have software for bronchoscopy Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) as well as GI endoscopy, please check this at your local site.

Each simulator had a QR code attached that will take you directly to the TURAS learn page when it is scanned. 

How to book a simulator 

Before booking time on a simulator, you must review the induction video on how to use the Symbionix GI Mentor and GI Mentor Express. Click here to access the video 

You must also complete the short quiz on using the GI Mentor and contact the relevant location. All this information is available by clicking this link 

Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Best Practice Update

What is the Upper GI Best Practice Update? 

The Upper GI course takes place over 1 day and is for experienced Endoscopists, mixing theory updates with some hands-on practice and microteaching throughout the day.

The course was developed following the establishment of the National Endoscopy Training Programme's (NETP) Upper GI Endoscopy Guideline and Best Practice Consensus Statement, and updates Endoscopists in best practice for improving lesion recognition and eventually patient outcomes.

Upper GI Endoscopy Guideline and Best Practice Consensus Statement 

What is happening? 

The course is being delivered at the NETP Training Centre within NHS Golden Jubilee, the West of Scotland Training Centre at Stobhill Hospital and East Lothian Community Hospital.

Unfortunately we are not able to advertise these courses on JETS at the moment, however, anyone interested who requires more information, please contact

Best practice updates

On 11 March, a team of UK experts delivered an informative session on lesion detection and recognition to over 100 Scottish Upper GI Endoscopists. The session received excellent feedback and has been made available to view on TURAS Learn.

View the lesion detection and recognition training session 

Recommendations and Guidance 

Additional resources

For more information contact

On this page

Who are we?

Stephen Barclay

Core Faculty

Umesh Basavaraju

Core Faculty - Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Karen Boylan

National Endoscopy Programme Lead

Aidan Cahill

National Endoscopy Training Lead - Regional Lead for West of Scotland Centre

Nick Church

Core Faculty

Shelly Cross

Core Faculty

Neil Cruikshank

Core Faculty

Simon Denley

Core Faculty

Jonathan Fletcher

Core Faculty

Andrew Fraser

Core Faculty

Graham Haddock

Chair of National Endoscopy Training Programme

Jodi Jervis

Core Faculty - Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Diane Kennedy

Core Faculty

Tammi Kingstree

Core Faculty

Neil Lachlan

Core Faculty - Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Norma McAvoy

Core Faculty

Craig Mackay

Core Faculty

Graham Mackay

Core Faculty

David Mansuori

Core Faculty

Audrey McCallum

Core Faculty

Jonathan McDonald

Core Faculty - Train the Colonoscopy Trainer

Aaron McGowan

Core Faculty

Douglas Morran

Core Faculty

Colin Noble

Core Faculty

Raymond Oliphant

Core Faculty - Regional Lead for Highland, Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Maree Pasieka

Core Faculty

Leigh Paterson

National Endoscopy Training Programme Administrator

Natalie Peel

Core Faculty

Brian Rafferty

Core Faculty - Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Andrew Renwick

Core Faculty

Kevin Robertson

Core Faculty

Duncan Scimgeour

Core Faculty

John Paul Seenan

Core Faculty - Colonoscopy Upskilling

Kawan Shalli

Core Faculty

Amanullah Shams

Core Faculty

Sandeep Siddhi

Core Faculty

Adrian Stanley

Core Faculty

Michelle Thornton

National Endoscopy Training Lead - Regional Lead for NHS Golden Jubilee - Lead for Non Technical Skills

Mike Walker

Core Faculty

Fiona Wilson

Core Faculty - Endoscopy Non Technical Skills

Jack Winter

Core Faculty

Elaine Yeap

Core Faculty